Monday, November 06, 2006

From my post on October 24th shortly after Kenny Rogers Incident

I find it laughable that people seem to be villifying Tony LaRussa more than Kenny Rogers. You can debate all you want that he should have done this or that, but the fact is and STILL is that Rogers clearly cheated. The guy had the same junk on his hand in multiple games. The umpires blew it. They are there to ENFORCE the rules. Have you seen the size of the MLB rulebook? It gives the bible a run for it's money. I don't understand why the umpire didn't inspect Rogers' hand, cap, glove and whatever else he needed to. Yes, Rogers DID continue to pitch magnificently, but the rulebook should have been enforced and Rogers ejected and suspended for 10 games. LaRussa was out to talk to the umpires, but it's not his job to know the rulebook inside and out. So let's not forget who was cheating, it was Rogers NOT Larussa.

Also, Kenny Rogers is the biggest jerk in baseball this side of Barry Bonds. Did we forget his assaulting a cameraman, then following up that with threatening another cameraman WHILE being fingerprinted for the assault! Then during the last weekend of the season after the Tigers got swept by the lowly KC Royals, Rogers was involved in an altercation with a Tigers fan. Wow, what a class act. The guy is a bonafide loser, cheater and liar. Those are the facts.

I find some of these other posts ridiculous, saying there's been cheating going on in baseball and other sports for centuries. Uhhh yeah but does that mean people should turn the other way? Baseball receives YET another black eye with this. I'm sure there aren't any kids out there gunking up their hand right now emulating him. Bravo Kenny. If there's any karma, the Tigers will lose this series.


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