Sunday, October 08, 2006

Detroit Tigers are NOT that good!

Oh boy, here goes ESPN again. Mike Lupica, Mitch Albom, Stuart Scott, and any other bigmouth that is talking up the Tigers like they've just won the World Series needs to check their self at the door. ESPN's newest flavor of the week is the Detroit Tigers. Last week it was the Minnesota Twins, who if memory serves me, were swept in the first round of the playoffs by the Oakland Athletics. Can anyone answer me this question? When were there outlandish celebrations, complete with champagne for teams winning the FIRST ROUND of the playoffs! It appears to be started this season, just like the David Ortizish throwing of your helmet off as your round 3rd base with the game winning homer. I mean that display in Detroit was ridiciulous. Players spraying champagne around and running all over the place like they won the World Series. Uhhh, last time I checked you still have to win 8 more games, which I'll tell you right now, will NOT happen for the Tigers this year!
Next topic, I don't want to hear how great Kenny Rogers' performance on the mound was. It wasn't that great, and besides this guy is one of the most classless individuals in baseball this side of Barry Bonds. This is the same guy who assaulted a camera man, then as he's being booked in the police department months later, starts lipping off and threatening ANOTHER camera man. Then just a week ago, he had another incident with a Tigers fan after a loss to Kansas City. Let's celebrate some loser like Kenny Rogers. This is the same guy who can't pitch in New York?!?!? Ummm, ok, is that not the definition of a prima donna?
I hear reporters saying how Rogers' pitching performance was one of the best post season pitching performances. Are you kidding me???? Don' t you remember the 4 straight complete games pitched by the Chicago White Sox pitching staff in last year's ALCS???? That was last friggin' year! Don Larsen's perfect game? And countless other pitching performances. How did the ALDS get to be sooooo big? Oh that's right, because ESPN is blabbering about it, on and on and on.
The way things are playing out now, it looks as if the National League may have the favorite in the World Series. Boy that Tigers bandwagon sure is full right now. I wonder how many will still be on it when they're ousted from the playoffs. And they will be, you can take that to the bank!


Blogger axlfrigginrose said...

I wonder how many broken ankles are being treated in Detroit from all that hopping on and off of the bandwagon.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Billy said...

quite a few. I don't think we'll be seeing many detoilet fans for awhile

5:12 PM  

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