Monday, March 27, 2006

Et Cetera

Let me go into brief detail about some of the things that have been going through my mind as of late regarding the sports world. First off, Shut the F up, Mr. Billy Packer and Mr. Jim Nantz. Every year we hear a bunch of cry babies screaming about who should have made the NCAA tournament and who shouldn't have. George Mason was one of the schools these guys were complaining about, now look at them, the FINAL FOUR! Also, shut up to the morons at ESPN who said the same basic things. Dicky V is more than just annoying. Count how many times he says the following phrase the next time you hear him talk: "The bottom line is...". This guy needs to go bye-bye, just like that fat windbag John Madden.

Also, to my beloved Green Bay Packers, what the heck are you thinking and/or doing? Ben Taylor and Billy Cundiff were just signed, well I guess we did a grrrrrreat job in free agency this off season. I haven't the slightest idea why Ted Thompson and company feel the need to alienate Brett Favre in not signing a big time wide receiver (Eric Moulds???) and addressing the offensive line needs. I still hear about how they need to replace Ryan Longwell. There are much more pressing needs in their secondary and on the offensive line. The Packers have sat on their hands while other teams have been active. Ted Thompson has noone else to blame but himself.

On the NASCAR tip, it's interesting to note that ESPN has begun to "pimp" the sport much more than they ever have. Why would that be? The answer is simple, they bought the rights to televise next year's season, so they're trying to drum up business going into next year.

The baseball season. First, how can it be called the World Baseball CLASSIC?!?!? It's the first year it's ever been done and it's being called a classic? Far from it, in any sense of the term. I noticed that not one member of the 2005 World Champion Chicago White Sox were named to the U.S. team. And the U. S. team played poorly, hmmmm that's a coincidence. Speaking of the White Sox, they seem to still get little respect from the national media. It's still always what the Red Sox and Yankees are doing, or what roid boy Bonds is up to. What a joke.

Speaking of loud mouth babies like T.O. and Bonds, why is ESPN complaining out of one end of their mouths about these guys and covering every word they say on the other end. You can't have it both ways ESPN. You've created these monsters (and cannot control them) by shoving a camera or microphone in their faces incessantly to create drama, then you chastise them for being what you want them to be. I personally think both of those guys are cancers, but ESPN is most to blame here because if they stop running stories about these guys, they disappear. And that's the bottom line Dicky V!

Oh wait in Dicky Fashion I'm going to continue blabbering. One weird parting thought, I wonder if every guy has this sort of thing going on. Its the "Randiness Gauge". For me the person I can gauge my randiness on is the Weather Channell's Jeanetta Jones. Granted the picture of her to the right is much nicer than what she normally looks like. On an exceptionally horny day I'd say, "Yeah I'd do her." I then know I need to take care of that need. On other days when I find her repulsive, I know I don't need that. Just wondering who your "Gauge" would be. And NOW, that's the bottom line!


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