Sunday, February 05, 2006

Worst Officiating EVER!!!!!!

Hello, did the officials get paid off for this game??? I have to ponder this question. Clearly the Darrel Jackson "offensive pass interference" was the most bogus call EVER in the Super Bowl AND clearly Ben Roethlisberger's "touchdown" was not either. Add to that the fact that Clark Haggans #53 was offsides on consecutive plays, one in which Seattle's right tackle was called for holding and the other play Haggans sacked Hasselback. Thanks ABC for your subpar cracker ass coverage as well. Seattle was robbed, Jerome Bettis is a joke, and the refereees werea bunch of jokers. When has offensive pass interference EVER been called in a game, much less the Super Bowl. No thanks to Stuart "Glass Eye" Scott, Chris "Ass Fungus" Berman, John "orange eyebrow windbag" Madden, Sal "Pock Mark" Palontonio, and Merril "My Soft Pussy Head Hurts Homer" Hoge can kiss the big one. Quite frankly these talking heads are paid big money to tell the truth and they didn't. Darrell Jackson's TD and Ben's bogus TD aside the Seahawks should have been down 17-14 in the final drive and were in field goal range. I'm sorry Seattle, you were robbed by Bill Levy and company. A travesty because this could have been the best Super Bowl ever. Instead we get to see some square jawed Cromagnon man embrace whatever he could get to marry him. Sorry, Pittsburgh your win was and is tainted for all times. The NFL needs to figure out how to get the best refs for the biggest game. Here's a hint, look into Mike Carrey and Ed Hochuli for referees, that is a good start. Oh yeah, and the commercials aren't funny anymore!


Blogger Billy said...

Oh give me a break it had NOTHING to do with Holmgren. He's the best coach GB has had since Lombardi. There were THREE scoring change penalties that were completely bogus, not to mention Haggans being offsides on nearly every snap in the 2nd half. THe clock management was poor, but how can you say clearly they would have scored??? And that was only ONE instance. how about HasselSACK's terrible interception while driving???

5:29 PM  
Blogger axlfrigginrose said...

i didn't see the super bowl so i won't comment on that. as far as the gb-denver game, holmgrem didn't realize it was 1st down, that's why he let davis rush in untouched. furthermore, you couldn't blame him for a defense (gilbert brown) that looked pretty worn out.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Billy said...

Oh, AND how many times has Green Bay been to the NFC Championship game (much less the Super Bowl) since Holmgren's departure? Anyone? Anyone?

10:09 PM  
Blogger axlfrigginrose said...


3:20 PM  

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